A Simple and Easier Way to Detox with Tea

Have you ever felt tired with no reason for it. You can’t figure out why you feel this way but it definitely has an impact on your mood.  If you want to get rid of these sluggish moments in life, try Detoxing. A lot of people don’t realize how to do it or what does it involve. Other believe it’s hard to do.  But I am going to show you  a Simple and easier way to detox with Tea without hunger and starvation in this article.


Simple Easier way to Detox with TeaWhat a lot of dieters don’t realize is with a detox you can mix it in with your diet.  Detoxing is about removing the harmful substances from your body and replacing them with healthy foods so your body can repair itself. Anti-oxidants, vitamins, and general goodness, is what you body craves. Unfortunately when most people hear the word Dextox they immediately think of liquid diets and hunger. Although there are detox diets that call for this, there’s are better way to Detox using tea

Why Detoxing and Dieting  is a better Solution

When you mix a detox with your diet, cutting back on dairy, caffeine, alcohol and replacing it with healthy foods can give you instant results.  A detox does not mean you have to drink liquids for days and consume nothing else. For years it was believe by our scientific establishment losing weight came down to calories, how much we take in vs how much we burn off. We would use exercise to speed up the process of burning calories and eat less to keep it off.

DETOXING removes Toxins that are already there

But if you already have high level of sugar and carbs in your body exercise and eating less of the same foods won’t remove what is currently there. You just put less of it in your body and hope you can find the right exercise routine to burn it all off. Since you still have not removed toxins you had prior this means you have to exercise harder to burn the extra off to see results that are minimal.


So a combination of healthy foods and a Detox solution that allows you to eat and replenish your body would probably give you better results.  One solution that is becoming more popular is using Tea.

Tea is a popular option for detoxing for good reason

  • Anti-oxidant in some teas can increase your metabolic rate.  This is a fancy way of saying your body can burn fat quicker.
  • Improves immunity to colds and sickness
  • Teas aid cleansing your internal system by natural elimination means.
  • Tea taste good and it’s easy on your taste buds.

Remember Detoxing is about getting rid of unwanted toxins in your body.  Teas that allow you to naturally remove these toxins from the body achieves the same thing without the pain and suffering of a liquid only diets.  In fact there are Teas that can accomplish this by drinking as little as two cups per day.

Now for those who hated the idea of liquid detoxing because of the constant struggle with hunger you now have a new choice that eliminates this unwanted experience.  There are a number of these special design teas built to do this.  Making the tea itself is a little different than your average over the counter tea you will find in the supermarket.  One such detox tea iAso Tea by Total Life Changes is very affordable and can easily be made by boiling water and distilling 8 hours (sitting for 8 hours before drinking).  One pack lasts for a full week and it only requires 2 cups a day.

Simple and Easier Way to Detox Using Tea

Right now iAso Tea is really popular, it’s not found in stores but sold through independent distributors.  It’s retail cost is $14.95 per pack and you can get a full month supply iAso Tea 4/packs for $9.95 a pack.    If you have had bad experiences with Detoxing and visions of hunger and starvation come to your head at the mention of the world.  You may want to look at iAso Tea by Total Life Changes so you don’t have worry about unpleasant things like that.


How to Lose Weight Quickly with iAso Tea

Many people are having success with iAso Tea and Total Life Changes when it comes to losing weight.  This is very different from other Fad Diets.  That is why some people are skeptical when it comes believing Total Life Changes iAso Tea product is more hype than results.  So let’s closely look at how to lose weight quickly with iAso Tea. 9

Does Total Life Changes iAso Tea work this good?

Is Total Life Changes Weight Loss Tea Product All Hype

According to the Company if you drink two cups of tea per day,  you can lose up to a pound a day.  There is a lose 5 pounds in 5 days challenge the company has been pushing and many are having success with this challenge.  But is it the tea alone that is doing this?

It’s easy to make the mistake the Tea is what’s allowing so many people to lose weight.  But if you look closely.  The tea by itself is not the reason for weight loss.  It’s a combination of things that occur.

In my opinion, the combination of getting rid of harmful toxins that make it harder to lose weight and the replacing the bad stuff with good is they key to weight-loss.   I like how TLC’S iAso Tea speeds up the process by cleansing your internal digestive track.  This enables your body to prepare itself to replenish iwith healthy supplements it needs to allow you to lose weight.

This is more important than exercise.  The kinds of foods you put in your body determines how much exercise you will need to bring your weight under control.  So to get the most weight-loss from your efforts cleaning out the bad stuff that your body struggles with gives you a way to jump start your weight-loss progress.

This is what we ultimately want to do.  Detoxing has been known to work.  But the difference here is some detox diets are very difficult to do.  It’s hard to only drink liquid with very little food.  Our bodies are not built to do this.

Total Life Changes tea makes it a little easier because it only requires to Cups of tea daily for detox.  In other words you can still eat food.  So the chance of you being able to stick with it is even greater.  I think this is why people are having so much success drinking the iAso Tea and losing 5 lbs or more in a week, as long as you don’t overeat or continue eating harmful foods.

No matter if you decide to do this or not, you have to cut out the greasy, sugar and fried foods. This is what’s holding you back from losing the weight.  Thankfully the iAso Tea from Total Life Changes helps you do this without a huge change in what you consume.  The worst feeling to have is constant hunger 24 hrs a day.

Detoxing for a month can produce some Amazing results that would surely get anyone’s attention. One pack of tea will last 7 days.  For a full month you only need 4 packs.  You can get this for under $10 a pack.

So is there hype surrounding this product as the miracle tea?

Well yes there is.

But does it work?

Without a doubt, but it’s just not working the way people believe it does.

If you feel you would like to try iAso Tea out you can get an immediate shipment sent to you at this link.

Best of luck to you.

What You Need to Know Before You Joining Total Life Changes

In this article I am going to get down to the nitty gritty and tell you what you need to know before joining Total Life Changes. Unlike a lot of articles you may have already read, in this one I let you know what to expect once you join.


What should you expect First this is a true business with real products you would expect to find in your local health store.  Most of the people who are involved with the business opportunity also use the products themselves. In other words the products work very well for most and have a true value to customers. Currently their best selling product line is the iAso Tea. There is such a huge demand for it the company had to change to a major manufacturer to keep up with orders. Orders jumped from 5000 a week to over 100,000 in a month for just one product.  It’s part of their Health and Wellness product line. Losing weight is a side benefit of drinking TLC’s iAso Tea.  In reality this tea is a Detox Tea that clears your body of toxins that slow downs or prevents the body from losing weight.  The idea is to get rid of the bad stuff and replace it with more healthy foods.  When you do this the tea can speed up the process and your results can be dramatic.  There are many other products that are with high demand that sell very well for Total Life Changes.

Can you Make Money Selling the Products

There are multiple ways to make money promoting the Total Life Changes products.  One of the ways taught by the company is to buy wholesale and sell retail.  This means by the product at steep discounts as a distributor and earn profit after you mark up the price to your customers.  You can also have your customers by directly from the company website using your Affiliate link.  Doing it this way earns you a 50% commission on whatever is sold.  This is really a big deal to Internet marketers because products can range from $40 to over $1000 when purchased.  Regardless of the cost you earn 50% of the sale. If you are looking to do this your main concern will be putting your product in front of a large number of customers. Since the products are well received and actually produce results, persuading your customer to purchase the product is not to hard to do.  A lot of people who are not good at selling things make the mistake of concentrating on what they will say to get a sale, but really it’s about finding people who are looking to lose weight, get healthy, or improve their outer appearance. In other word people with problems that TLC products can solve.  Once you find that group making sales with Total Life Changes is not really hard to do.

Is Total Life Changes Suitable for Everyone

When you joinTotal Life Changes as a distributor you are paid based on the sales you and your team of partners make. This is a Multi Level Marketing company, which is a good thing if you have products to sale that are in demand. Since you are dealing with consumer products and not electronic downloadable information. There is more legitimacy to this opportunity. I have been involved with many companies where there were no real product. You may see these kinds of companies on the Internet where it gets you to buy a product to teach you how to sell a product.  Wink, Wink, and smile at that one. A good example of this is Wealth Affiliate. Here the product is downloaded and intended to educate you. This is perceived as value with a huge question mark. This brings me to the next point.  If you are going to sell something it needs to be something that any person walking on the street can understand the value, what is does and why they needed in a 2 minute explanation.  If you have to do more explaining then this there is a good chance you will lose them. Total Life Changes makes it a point to market products that fall into this category.

Do you become a salesperson when you Join

TLC is a direct selling company but that does not mean you will speak to your customers directly.  Most distributors point potential customers to online videos and web pages to do this for them.  The videos and websites used by distributors were created by the company to do the explaining for you.  Since there are so many products to choose from this is a good thing for distributors.

Are there monthly membership Fees

With Total Life Changes there are no monthly membership fee  required to remain an active distributor.  Your purchase of a product automatically makes you eligible to receive commissions as a distributor.  As long as you make at least one purchase per month from Total Life Changes your independent distributor membership remains active.

Is there a Secret to Having Success with Total Life Changes

This brings me back to my original point “What You Should Know Before You Join” .  To answer your question its NO!  The only thing needed is to be consistent with patience. It will take a little bit of time to learn a few new skills on how to make online sales and or how to search for people like yourself looking for an opportunity.  And since there are  6 different ways to earn money with Total Life Changes.  Selling products and building a team of Independent Business Distributors are two very popular ways but there are other strategies others use to accomplish the same thing.

Should you Try Total Life Changes

A better question to ask yourself to lead to an answer is, “Will your current job pay you enough money to live the life your really want?  Will you no longer worry about bills not being paid? Will you  be able to take vacation that last more than 5 days at a time? and Finally will you make enough to money to have the freedom to walk away from your job and still live comfortably in two years? Based on your answers this will tell you if Total Life Changes is worth your time. The answers to these questions is really what you should know before you join Total Life Changes.

If you feel this may be what you are looking for feel free to get more information below.
